Sunday, February 17, 2013

Crochet Loufa

Although I love crafts of all kinds, crocheting is my favorite  I am always thinking of fun, new ways to use crochet. I came across this post on from

Then I put on my crochet thinking cap, and came up with these!

This craft is really easy and works as a fabulous exfoliator!

 FYI: You need to use 100% cotton yarn for this project. First, make a simple rectangle. I chained 15, then made 14 rows using the double crochet stitch. I used a sherbert multi-color yarn which I think adds some flare!

Then, to create the pouch, wrap the rectangle into a circle. You want to have about a half an inch overlap so that when you put the soap into the pouch, you can completely cover the soap, kind of like a pillowcase. 

Next, simply close up both sides of the pouch. Use a single crochet stitch to thread the top to the bottom. When you have completely sealed one side of the pouch, tie a knot and cut the string. Then do the same thing on the other side of the pouch. Make sure when you start this new stitch, you somehow secure the new stitch with a knot. If you don't, this stitch can come loose.

Then, turn the pouch inside-out and you are ready to loufa!